Are Smartphones a Smart Idea for Small Businesses?

As a student, I remember watching reruns of "Star Trek" in my college dormitory with other University of California matriculates, and yes, I was a bit of a geek for sure! My favorite phrase uttered episode after episode was, "Kirk to Enterprise. Come in, Enterprise," and with a simple flick of the wrist, a well-equipped Federation personnel would "beam" Captain Kirk back to Enterprise from wherever he was. Maybe Gene Roddenberry and the other geniuses behind the 1960s hit were really technology gurus and visionaries. Think about it; Captain Kirk talking directly to someone on another space vessel, or even in another galaxy, via a live connection on a wide screen display. Does this remind you of Cisco TelePresence perhaps? What about the electronic "pads" the yeoman was always handing to Captain Kirk to sign-off on. Did Steve Jobs have that vision in mind as he fleshed out the first iPad design? Maybe the most prescient device on the show was the communicator. Could it have been a precursor to today's smartphone? I don't think Roddenberry, even in his wildest dreams, imagined the direction of today's smartphones; a device powerful enough to allow users to play word games with friends while talking to their mother and searching a website for a great place for sushi. Interestingly enough, it was Canada where both of these wonders were born.

The smart phone revolution was of course pioneered by Canadian giant Research In Motion (RIM), and I'm not sure not even the company's corporate strategists could have foreseen how deep the insertion would be when Blackberry first hit the market. The term "CrackBerry" snidely referred to those individuals who, even with a crowbar, couldn't be separated from their BlackBerry devices. RIM enjoyed a tremendous advantage in being first to market, and their legions of converts who eagerly consumed everything BlackBerry were harbingers of a new era of business mobility. The days of "out of office" greetings were numbered as any smart, aggressive organization knew that if they were more accessible to their customers and prospects the likelihood of closing business and creating agile customer service was astronomically better than those not embracing the mobility trend.

In the case of business, as well as in the wild, the hunter often becomes the hunted. Even though RIM had a pretty strong foothold on the fledgling market, others soon came to dislodge the leader from the mountaintop. Even PDA makers such as Palm, Inc.,with their Treo devices, jumped into the fray after seeing their product was becoming obsolete. Soon others with new operating systems like the Apple iPhone and the Google-backed Android device were introduced to the market. Of course, it wouldn't really be a party without Microsoft, who has been trying to crack the smartphone and mobility market for several years with their Windows Phone. Though lagging behind in feature set, the Windows Phone was thought to have a slight advantage in ease of incorporation into full Windows-based environments. However the comparative ease of the competition to do the same, as well as weaker Windows Phone feature sets, kept Microsoft on the outside looking in for the most part; until now. Industry watchers are carefully keeping an eye on the next iteration of the Windows Phone operating system, Windows Phone 8. Microsoft has placed some heavy bets on this product touting the seamless user interface between the phone and the desktop or laptop. Time will tell whether this strategy will be a winner or a disaster.

Today's smartphone market offers a plethora of options which makes it difficult to point to one that is considered to be the BEST. In truth, there may not be one universal choice because the needs and wants of small and mid-sized business are all over the board and there is no "typical" network configuration. However, I think we can agree there are many options that most SMB organizations could use in the realm of the smartphone feature set. Being able to conduct business on the fly is the most compelling and common reason small businesses are thinking about the smartphone and how it fits into their overall plan. Sure, enterprise businesses are in the same boat, but the SMB space may well have more agility and flexibility in their business model to accommodate a shift like this. More and more, there are small start-ups and sole proprietors that can take advantage of the power smartphones combined with cloud solutions that eliminate the need for an onsite server and suite of applications. Solutions like Microsoft's Office 365 allows users to have all of their organizational information, email, databases, intranet, voice, and IM communications handled in the cloud and accessible anywhere on their smartphone device of choice.

This type of configuration and smartphone integration works well for businesses that have a small office or a home office, but it could also work well for businesses looking to cut costs and not reinvest in expensive hardware, software, and personnel to support it. However, there are numerous pitfalls around security and device access.

Addressing the former, with the ease of connection for a growing number of smartphone options, the drawback can be the potential for security breach. What if the device is lost or stolen? What if an employee goes to a competitor but siphons off critical client information before they leave? What if the Internet connection the device is accessing is hacked leading a malevolent outsider to access to your internal network? These are all critical points to consider. Most smartphones are only able to access the network via a secure connection through a Virtual Private Network (VPN) tunnel, for example. These tunnels are a clientless variety called SSL, which is a browser-based connection that leverages the secure sockets layer in Internet Explorer. In other words, it's not like the old VPN connection that required a client to be downloaded, had to be maintained, and had to be accessed only from the machine it was loaded onto. The clientless SSL version can be used from any compliant browser, even an airport or hotel kiosk.

It's imperative to understand how smartphones are able to access the network safely and securely as most employees want access to a BYOD environment; bring your own device. These scenarios are playing out at every rung on the business size ladder, but the same security issues remain as mentioned above. How to properly deal with the plethora of devices accessing the network? I hate to introduce another acronym, but Mobile Device Management (MDM) may well be the ticket to solving that riddle. Between cloud-based solutions and on-premise options, MDM providers allow organizations to securely manage both company owned and employee owned devices. With compliance to federal regulations an ever changing issue, these MDM solutions can help provide proof that the entity's data is safe and protected. They can even track the location of the device, and if it is lost or stolen, give an administrator the ability to lock it down or even wipe it clean of all corporate data remotely. That gets a bit tricky when dealing with devices owned by employees, but some of the MDM suites will allow for the removal of only corporate data, leaving the pictures of your cute dog or adorable niece intact.

So there are plenty of options and choices around smart phones for the SMB crowd. There are too many choices, and too many individual needs and wants for me to recommend or point towards any one device. Regardless of the option, the need for security and management is something that cannot be ignored. It is important to do a thorough evaluation of your needs and how your budget can handle all the key aspects of the solution. A smartphone as a key tool in business for any number of users, but I often wonder what will they look like in the future. I'd be thrilled if devices of the future could materialize a good cup of coffee to me like the food replicators in the Star Trek universe! Live long and prosper, and be mobile!

Psychic - Concentrate On Wealth

It was never intended that man should be poor. When wealth is
obtained under the proper conditions it broadens the life.
Everything has its value. Everything has a good use and a bad
use. The forces of mind like wealth can be directed either for
good or evil. A little rest will re-create forces. Too much rest
degenerates into laziness, and brainless, dreamy longings.

If you acquire wealth unjustly from others, you are misusing your
forces; but if your wealth comes through the right sources you
will be blessed. Through wealth we can do things to uplift
ourselves and humanity.

Wealth is many persons' goal. It therefore stimulates their
endeavor. They long for it in order to dress and live in such a
way as to attract friends. Without friends they would not be so
particular of their surroundings. The fact is the more attractive
we make ourselves and our surroundings the more inspiring are
their influences. It is not conducive to proper thought to be
surrounded by conditions that are uncongenial and unpleasant.

So the first step toward acquiring wealth is to surround yourself
with helpful influences; to claim for yourself an environment of
culture, place yourself in it and be molded by its influences.

Most great men of all ages have been comparatively rich. They
have made or inherited money. Without money they could not have
accomplished what they did. The man engaged in physical drudgery
is not likely to have the same high ideals as the man that can
command comparative leisure.

Wealth is usually the fruit of achievement. It is not, however,
altogether the result of being industrious. Thousands of persons
work hard who never grow wealthy. Others with much less effort
acquire wealth. Seeing possibilities is another step toward
acquiring wealth. A man may be as industrious as he can possibly
be, but if he does not use his mental forces he will be a
laborer, to be directed by the man that uses to good advantage
his mental forces.

No one can become wealthy in an ordinary lifetime, by mere
savings from earnings. Many scrimp and economize all their lives;
but by so doing waste all their vitality and energy. For example,
I know a man that used to walk to work. It took him an hour to go
and an hour to return. He could have taken a car and gone in
twenty minutes. He saved ten cents a day but wasted an hour and a
half. It was not a very profitable investment unless the time
spent in physical exercise yielded him large returns in the way
of health.

The same amount of time spent in concentrated effort to overcome
his unfavorable business environment might have firmly planted
his feet in the path of prosperity.

One of the big mistakes made by many persons of the present
generation is that they associate with those who fail to call out
or develop the best that is in them. When the social side of life
is developed too exclusively, as it often is, and recreation or
entertainment becomes the leading motive of a person's life, he
acquires habits of extravagance instead of economy; habits of
wasting his resources, physical, mental, moral and spiritual,
instead of conserving them. He is, in consequence, lacking in
proper motivation, his God-given powers and forces are
undeveloped and he inevitably brings poor judgment to bear upon
all the higher relationships of life, while, as to his financial
fortunes, he is ever the leaner; often a parasite, and always, if
opportunity affords, as heavy a consumer as he is a poor

It seems a part of the tragedy of life that these persons have to
be taught such painful lessons before they can understand the
forces and laws that regulate life. Few profit by the mistakes of
others. They must experience them for themselves and then apply
the knowledge so gained in reconstructing their lives.

Any man that has ever amounted to anything has never done a great
deal of detail work for long periods at any given time. He needs
his time to reflect. He does not do his duties today in the same
way as yesterday, but as the result of deliberate and
concentrated effort, constantly tries to improve his methods.

The other day I attended a lecture on Prosperity. I knew the
lecturer had been practically broke for ten years. I wanted to
hear what he had to say. He spoke very well. He no doubt
benefited some of his hearers, but he had not profited by his own
teachings. I introduced myself and asked him if he believed in
his maxims. He said he did. I asked him if they had made him
prosperous. He said not exactly. I asked him why. He answered
that he thought he was fated not to experience prosperity.

In half an hour I showed that man why poverty had always been his
companion. He had dressed poorly. He held his lectures in poor
surroundings. By his actions and beliefs he attracted poverty. He
did not realize that his thoughts and his surroundings exercised
an unfavorable influence. I said: "Thoughts are moving forces;
great powers. Thoughts of wealth attract wealth. Therefore, if
you desire wealth you must attract the forces that will help you
to secure it. Your thoughts attract a similar kind of thoughts.
If you hold thoughts of poverty you attract poverty. If you make
up your mind you are going to be wealthy, you will instil this
thought into all your mental forces, and you will at the same
time use every external condition to help you."

Many persons are of the opinion that if you have money it is easy
to make more money. But this is not necessarily true. Ninety per
cent of the men that start in business fail. Money will not
enable one to accumulate much more, unless he is trained to seek
and use good opportunities for its investment. If he inherits
money the chances are that he will lose it. While, if he has made
it, he not only knows its value, but has developed the power to
use it as well as to make more if he loses it.

Business success today depends on foresight, good judgment, grit,
firm resolution and settled purpose. But never forget that
thought is as real a force as electricity. Let your thoughts be
such, that you will send out as good as you receive; if you do
not, you are not enriching others, and therefore deserve not to
be enriched.

The man that tries to get all he can from others for nothing
becomes so selfish and mean that he does not even enjoy his
acquisitions. We see examples of this every day. What we take
from others, will in turn, be taken from us. All obligations have
to be met fairly and squarely. We cannot reach perfection until
we discharge every obligation of our lives. We all realize this,
so why not willingly give a fair exchange for all that we

Again I repeat that the first as well as the last step in
acquiring wealth is to surround yourself with good
influences--good thought, good health, good home and business
environment and successful business associates. Cultivate, by
every legitimate means, the acquaintance of men of big caliber.
Bring your thought vibrations in regard to business into harmony
with theirs. This will make your society not only agreeable, but
sought after, and, when you have formed intimate friendships with
clean, reputable men of wealth, entrust to them, for investment,
your surplus earnings, however small, until you have developed
the initiative and business acumen to successfully manage your
own investments. By this time you will, through such
associations, have found your place in life which, if you have
rightly concentrated upon and used your opportunities, will not
be among men of small parts. With a competence secured, you will
take pleasure in using a part of it in making the road you
traveled in reaching your position easier for those who follow

There is somewhere in every brain the energy that will get you
out of that rut and put you far up on the mountain of success if
you can only use the energy.

You know that gasoline in the engine of an automobile doesn't
move the car until the spark comes to explode the gasoline.

So it is with the mind of man. We are not speaking now of men of
great genius, but of average, able citizens.

Each one of them has in his brain the capacity to climb over the
word impossible and get into the successful country beyond.

And hope, self-confidence and the determination to do something
supply the spark that makes the energy work.

Lose More Fat With NEAT

How can you lose excess fat? You try to eat sensibly. You go to the gym 4 times a week. But still that stubborn fat stays there, mocking your attempts to get rid of it.

One very good way to increase fat loss could be NEAT -- non-exercise activity thermogenesis. This is the energy consumption of our bodies during normal daily activities -- anything from sitting down and watching television to doing hard manual work. In other words, all our activities that burn off energy and that don't involve formal, structured exercise.

Most of us need to move about more. But most of us are very sedentary. We have physically undemanding jobs, we travel to and from them in cars or buses and our leisure time often involves sitting down. Many of us also eat more than we need to.

If you want to boost your fat burning you need to be more active.

Studies have shown that those who sit for long periods are more likely to be overweight than their more active counterparts. For example, if you sit watching television for 6 hours you will only burn an extra 30 calories above your body's normal maintenance level of energy expenditure. But if you do something more active, such as gardening or painting the spare bedrooms, you will burn an extra 750-1125 calories (1). All right, 6 hours of gardening might be a bit excessive but half that time is not excessive and you will burn hundreds of extra calories in 3 hours. It might seem obvious that people who sit for extended periods are more likely be overweight in comparison to people who are more active, but many people do spend too much time sitting down.

Having elevated insulin and glucose levels can lead to ill health. Post prandial (after meals) blood sugar (glucose) spikes are higher in healthy people who are not very active than in healthy people who are active (2). People with active lives have low blood sugar spikes after meals due, partly, to the fact that activity depletes muscles of sugar and the muscles, with the help of insulin, soak up sugar from meals to replenish their stores.

Other studies have shown that, in overweight people, those who sit for long periods have higher insulin and blood glucose levels after meals than those who stand up and move around more often (3). Something as simple as standing up every 20 minutes for 2 minutes of light-intensity walking -- just strolling around -- can help to lower insulin and blood sugar levels after a meal in those who habitually sit for long periods at work or at home.

Physically active people are less likely to develop type-2 diabetes, stroke, some forms of cancer and osteoporosis (4). That knowledge alone should prompt you to be more active every day.

It's very important to remain active, even if you are slim and healthy. Activity not only burns fat -- it helps to keep you healthy in so many ways. We are 'designed' to be active and inactivity makes us rust up as surely as it makes a hinge rust up.

If you want to increase your NEAT there are many ways to do so. You could walk to work or to the shops rather than using the car. You could use fewer labour-saving devices. You could stand up every 20 or 30 minutes at work and do a few squats or press ups. Take the stairs instead of the lift. Go for a walk in your lunch break. When you watch television, get up and move about when the advertisements come on. Wash your car with a bucket and sponge instead of using an automated car wash. Generally, never be inactive for too long. Frequent movement will increase the number of calories you burn and the amount of fat you shed. But don't eat larger meals as a reward or because you think you need to replace the extra energy you're using.

I do all of those things and I also do formal exercises 5 days a week. Even physically fit people can benefit from more NEAT.

You can make a difference starting today. All you have to do is move more.


1. Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis and Vascular Biology. 2006 Apr;26(4):729-36.
Non-exercise activity thermogenesis: the crouching tiger hidden dragon of societal weight gain.

2. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise. 2012 Feb;44(2):225-31.
Lowering physical activity impairs glycemic control in healthy volunteers.

3. Diabetes Care. 2012 May;35(5):976-83.
Breaking up prolonged sitting reduces postprandial glucose and insulin responses.

4. Journal of Obesity. 2011;2011. pii: 360257.
Physical activity plays an important role in body weight regulation.

Luxury Beach Resorts in India

When it comes to luxury beach resorts in India, global players of the hospitality industry have come up with five star properties in the aforementioned destinations. The thematic decor, avant-garde amenities, lush green surroundings, constant views of sea water and host of leisure activities make these resorts a preferred base for beach holidays. In this article, I have enlisted some popular five star resorts that are sprinkled across famous holiday destinations in Goa, Kerala and Tamil Nadu.

Kumarakom Lake Resort
A luxury heritage resort in Kerala, Kumarakom Lake Resort is situated on the pristine Vemband Lake. Spanned across 25 acres of luxuriant greens, this five star lake resort is a proud member of Small Luxury Hotels in the World. The décor of the 50 villas housed within this resort draws inspiration from the principles of Tarchu Shastra. While the décor exudes the charm of authentic Kerala heritage, the modern sophistication is maintained through avant-garde amenities providing a cozy comfortable stay. This beach resort has various other facilities to offer such as multi-cuisine eatery, swimming pool, meditation center, health club and Ayurveda spa.

Vivanta by Taj-Fisherman's Cove
A prominent beach property of Taj group, Vivanta by Taj-Fisherman's Cove is constructed on the ramparts of a Dutch fort. Nestled on the pristine stretches of Bay of Bengal, this five star beach resort offers fine assortment of 88 well appointed rooms to its guests. All the rooms reflects a seamless blend of Scandinavian and Modern European architecture and come equipped with standard guest amenities such as satellite TV, IDD phone, channel music, mini bar and tea & coffee maker. Its proximity with the shore temples of Mahabalipuram makes it a tourist friendly destination.

Taj Exotica
Sprawled amidst 56 acres of landscaped gardens, Taj Exotica, built entirely in Mediterranean style, is nestled on the south west coast of Goa. Offering services tantamount to the international standards of hospitality and adorned with state of the art amenities, this five star beach resort ensures comfortable and convenient stay for the guests. 140 in number, the accommodation alternatives at Taj Exotica are classified as Deluxe Rooms, Luxury Rooms and Villas. The tropical inspired architecture and lavish corridors offer an inviting ambience to the guests.

The above mentioned three names- Kumarakom Lake Resort, Vivanta by Taj-Fisherman's Cove and Taj Exotica- are luxury beach resorts housed in Kerala, Chennai and Goa respectively. The five star amenities, international standards of hospitality and scenic natural surroundings encourage guests to prolong their stay.

Nine Career "Zappers"

Today, everyone is looking for the secret to business success. Professionals read books, take training classes, ask questions, study others that are successful and strive to outperform themselves.

However, some behavior patterns can develop into bad habits and cause even the most seasoned and professional person to self-destruct.

Let's take a look at some common behaviors that can put your career on the "skids". As you read these 9 behaviors you may recognize some areas you will want to change to keep your career on track.

The following are ten danger signs that can trap you and may "zap" your career.

1. Over Confidence: While you need a healthy dose of self-confidence to carry you through those tough times you also need to keep your confidence and ego in balance.

Keeping your ego in check will prevent you from thinking you are more important than those around you and missing out on their good ideas and solutions.

2. Time abuse: You only have 24 hours a day. Use each one of them wisely.

Guard against intruders such as non-important phone calls, emails and messages that do not specifically relate to your job.

Also make sure you save some time for personal development and pleasures.

3. Procrastination: Write the words "Do It Now" on a 3X5 card and post it where you can see it often. Then follow the advice.

Make that appointment now, make that phone call now, reply to that email now, see your customer now.

4. Failing to communicate: The most effective professionals spend 80% of their time listening and only 20% of their time talking.

They then spend 80% of their talking time asking questions. How does your communication ratio stack up to this standard?

5. Short-Sightedness: Approach your problems and decisions with a long-term view in mind.

Ask how what you do today will affect the organization 2 years, 5 years and 10 years from now.

While this does not mean every decision you make will have that kind of impact far in the future, however it is a good way to verify your thinking.

6. Loose lips: While at one time they may have been responsible for sinking ships, today loose lips most likely will sink your career.

Be careful of what you put in emails and what you say to others. Many a person has regretted making a casual comment concerning their job or company.

7. Not keeping good records: Are you using a good contact management tool? If not consider starting today.

A contact management tool will keep important information about peers, customers, and clients in one easy to access place.

8. Stunted growth: Never quit learning. Become a better person and reach higher levels of success by continuing to feed your mind.

9. Not Delegating: some of your workload: Today almost everyone is doing the job that just a few years ago was done by as many as two people or more.

If you don't delegate a portion of your work to others that are capable of doing the job, you can become overloaded and perhaps all of your other work will suffer.

Take a look at your current workload, what can you pass on to someone else. Remember that delegating is not "work dumping" but transferring responsibility along with the authority and responsibility to get the task done.

Don't forget to give credit to the person you delegated the job

Never believe you are a complete final product. Keep improving your skills and knowledge. Be responsible for your future.

Take a listening course; listen to books on CD while traveling or in your leisure time. Pick up a book and read it, associate with other successful people.

Some Tips On How To Plan The Perfect Office Winter Holiday Party

For employers and employees the year's last quarter results will end either in celebration or hopes that the next year will be better. Whichever is the case, a perfect company winter holiday party can provide the boss with the perfect opportunity to thank his or her employees for their hard work during the course of the year. All it takes to have the perfect office winter holiday is perfect planning.

Whether planning the perfect company winter holiday party is done by committee, or delegated to a capable office administrative assistant, its success will depend on similar items that need to be addressed. Checklist Items like the party date, budget, venue, catered or non-catered food, number of guests attending are all good topics to get the project underway.

Date Of The Party - One of the most important items party planners have to address is the date of the party. Most religious and ethnic winter holidays, Christmas, Hanukkah, or Kwanza occur near the end of the year, when many employees will be traveling out of town visiting family and friends As an accommodation to employees, planners should reserve a date at least three weeks prior to years' end to avoid scheduling conflicts.

Accurate Attendee Head Count - If the company guest list will include an employee spouse, partner, or date, food and beverage costs will increase. However the perk of an employee having a happy husband, wife, boyfriend or girlfriend in attendance, and not at home feeling left out more than compensates for any additional budget costs.

Company Winter Party Budget - After determining how much money will be allocated for the party, a decision has to be made whether or not the expenses will be shared between the company and the employees, or if the company will be responsible for the entire costs. Today employees are working longer hours for less pay, and asking employees to share holiday party costs may not go over well with the office staff.

The Venue - The next big item on the planning agenda is the location. Some venue options include company office space, the boss' home, a country club, lodge, hotel banquet room, or restaurant. The party date, guests count, and budget will narrow the choice of locations, but there are other requirements to be met before one location tops the list.

The Food - No matter how scintillating the conversation or how esteemed the guests, if the food is bad or runs out, many of the attendees may not hang around for the party's conclusion. So this is one of the key items party planners have to get right.

For planners considering a rental venue for the office winter party, find out upfront if food catering service is provided, and whether or not the cost is included in the rental price. If the venue site does not provide catering service, then ask if the site comes with a full kitchen, that way the company can hire their own caterer.

Then there is the budget conscious office party planner who asks employees to bring a dish to the party. How employees respond could depend on the size of the office staff.

Looking for Heavenly and Luxury Holiday

For travelers who love to travel in style, a luxury travel agency can do the trick. For people interested in traveling to different countries and gathering experience, there are superb luxury holiday experiences for them. Taking care of your smallest requirement to your budget constraints, the travel operator helps you by all means. No matter what your requirements are, there is a tailor-made tour holidays available for you. The luxury travel will take you to authentic locations of your dreams, fantasy shopping, lazy lunches in restaurants and wandering through the ruins of a crumbled civilization. When you find a journey that is both knowledgeable and enjoyable, you'll have the best of all worlds at your finger tips.

No matter where your imagination takes you, there is a chance to follow your dreams and indulge in the ultimate travel escape destination. South Africa, Europe, South East Asia and the Pacific are full of islands, small and large, that will give you the privacy you desire. Luxurious travel destinations are relative, ultimately to your own definition of the value of the experience. A popular holiday theme, luxury holidays offer a wonderful chance to enjoy a luxurious vacation along with near and dear ones. Style, elegance, refinement and great location, those are just some of the features of the properties of the holidays. From the mountains to the sea, from the rivers to the lake, from the dense forest to watching polar bears the travel operator will fulfill your ultimate fantasy. They promise to spoil you all through your journey bit by bit on daily basis keeping in mind the luxury class you belong to. Sometimes the search for the exotic often takes one to far-flung corners of third world cultures totally alien to the visitor in terms of language, customs, and etiquette.

The chance to learn and understand various cultures on a travel are invaluable and to be grasped with both hands when available. The tour operator as a luxury travel company combine comfort and authenticity famous for creating destinations for you as per your choice. Plan an all exclusive customized adventure travel to the earth's greatest tropical lands with them and rest will surely be history. A luxury holidays abroad at one of the exotic international locations is really alluring and fulfilling the same are the various offers and itinerary customized as per your desire. You will be accommodated in top hotels that suit the luxury and comfort level you desire. The travel operator brings you vacations that are rich in value as well as services. A Gym, a World class spa, a huge pool and a dining room where dedicated chefs prepare gourmet cuisine exclusively for you at one of the wildest location is the highlight of the journey.

A Small Scale Business Standing Out

Small and medium enterprises differ from multinational corporations in many ways, in terms of finances, liability, expertise, fund availability and generation, and much more. Marketing strategies, for a small business may vary as well, a number of things are considered before drafting a strategy for a small or medium business. The capacity of a business to produce, the willingness or the ability of the entrepreneur, his financial strengths, the current potential for the product or service to sell in the market and the future prospects of the business in the market, determine the strategy to start a trade or promote an existing business.

Businessmen operate with limited finances, but have to deal with unlimited liabilities, the channel from where the revenue is generated could be single, while expenditures could streams in from everywhere, examples of a few monthly fixed expenditures could be, the cost of insurance, utility bills, rent or lease for property, license fees, and taxes.

Capitalist operating on small scales therefore prefer to work on a stringent budget, the promotion strategy therefore must not absorb too many finances, and nor should it require enormous expertise, this leaves a question, on how to market a business?

The bounteous technology has liberated the business world to gain visibility and accessibility without much of a financial cost. The Internet is by far the most economical and effective means of reaching out across the globe, for advertising business and inviting clientele. Virtual social media platforms help create awareness and only require time and effort, anything on twitter or Facebook that hits the red hot nail aright on its heads seems to go viral within minutes; in many cases web traffic increases hundred folds or even more.

Entrepreneurs could either opt for hiring technology geeks or use the free coaching sites to learn about creating their websites. The right strategy for search engine optimization, and an informative and attractive site, has enabled many to mint millions without even having a proper office to work in.

Another blessing is reduced operating expenses and system dependent procedures that have almost eradicated the probability of human error. Microsoft office, web based emails, virtual data clouds, online banking, web based fund transfer has eliminated reoccurring, daily cash outflows, time and effort required on purchasing stationery, maintaining inventory, and cost incurred on travel, postal and courier service.

Marketing a business locally would depend on how tech savvy the surrounding community is, if the target market or local community scarcely makes use of computers, then sticking to conventional ways could be a viable strategy, an adventurous entrepreneur may also choose to explore new avenues, where modern day technology can be applied to make a few pennies.

Technology has only reinforced energy to human intellect to deliver better every time it's put into good use, there is no way a business can fail to market itself on the world wide web, if maneuvered by the willpower and a perspective for a bright future.

Hey Baby Boomers - It Could Be Worse!

After awhile, all of the doom and gloom in the air starts to wear you down. For us baby boomers, now was supposed to be the time that we've all been waiting for. Our cherished golden years are upon us - or almost so - and this was to be a very special time for us. Blissful retirement, travel, leisure, fun - it's what we worked for our entire lives.

And then came the financial meltdown. We've been at war for 10 years now, and it's still going on. The government can't seem to get anything done, and the country appears to be losing its edge to China, India and who knows who else. Our homes have declined in value, we think we need more money, and nobody's hiring. Baby boomers are crying the blues - this isn't what we signed for.

It's time to get a grip, fellow baby boomers. It's not really all that bad. In fact, it could be a lot worse.

Think about it.

Just because things might not be working out exactly the way we wanted to and the way we always thought they would doesn't mean anything really. We just need to adapt and adjust, the way we always have. We just have a new sense of reality about the world around us.

For example, many baby boomers set out long ago to become "millionaires." Some of us made it and some of us didn't. But the term millionaire is simply a label, nothing more, and it has absolutely nothing to do with the quality of life that you lead. In fact, there are some pretty unhappy so-called millionaires out there right now who wish their lives were a little less complex and a lot more fun.

Your goal should be to have enough money to live comfortably and to be able to enjoy your life. You don't need a million dollars in the bank to do that. You just need enough to support your lifestyle, and there is nothing wrong with making the money you need as you go. There are lots of ways to do that, if you'll only spend a little time and look for them.

That's another thing baby boomers now have, more than ever - time. Our kids are for the most part grown and on their own. Many of us have moved on into new careers that don't demand that we commit every waking hour of every day to our business endeavors. In short, we're free to do what ever we want to do for as long as we want to it, whenever we want to. How cool is that?

We've also learned that we don't need to live like Donald Trump to be truly happy. We know, through experience, how to live within our means, and we also know that we can be happy doing that. Baby boomers have learned how to shop for the things that they really want, at a price they can afford to pay.

In short, we are truly free to be ourselves, and to enjoy every second of the process. At the end of the day, that's really the key - enjoy yourself, while you can. The Big Clock is always ticking. Let's face it - you won't live forever. Don't let the incessant prattling of the media, the shenanigans of big banks and big business, and the flailing of the government get you down. Live your life the way you want to live it. You've earned it.

The Best Beaches to Visit in Canggu, Bali

Just 20 minutes north of fashionable Seminyak in Bali is a more secluded paradise known as Canggu. Although the area is being developed fast, Canggu is a little slice of heaven consisting of an eight-kilometer strip of surfer beaches and emerald green rice paddies all around. Vacationers and expatriates have favored Canggu more for the feeling of peaceful seclusion it provides. Just imagine walking out of your bedroom door right into a fairy tale scene where the seawater crashes continuously against the shore and nature herself is your front yard garden.

The beaches of Canggu are not as world-renowned as other coastal areas in this well-known tropical island, making it the perfect place to relax and enjoy the simple pleasure of being away from all the noise of urban life. When in Canggu, take some time to get out of your luxurious villa and tread your feet on the soft, fine sands of the following beaches.

Batu Bolong Beach

Surfers visit Batu Bolong Beach for the fat and powerful waves that make this relatively quiet spot one of the best places to surf in the entire island of Bali. Batu Bolong is peaceful and undisturbed by civilization, except for one beachfront hotel and a luxurious seaside restaurant serving Balinese specialty dishes. If you're not willing to shell out less than your budget for lunch, you can also walk a little farther away from the beach for a cheaper surfer's restaurant surrounded by a number of makeshift huts selling drinks and refreshments. Batu Bolong is one of the best places in the world to watch the sunset, when the sun dips behind majestic Mount Agung and lights up the mountain's silhouette with a warm, orange glow.

Batu Mejan Beach

If you're looking for a beach party vibe that still retains the relaxed and laidback atmosphere of an out-of-the-way beach town, look no further than Batu Mejan Beach. More popular with the tourists as Echo Beach, this is the perfect place to enjoy beach barbecues with your friends and down ice-cold tropical juices while watching surfers come in and out of the water. The waves are a little rougher in Echo Beach, but there are a few spots north and south of the area that are better for swimmers.

Berawa Beach

Also known as Brawa Beach, Berawa is another place for surfers who love the thrill of riding powerful waves. The place is also safe enough for people just wanting to have a swim. Because of the recent efforts at developing Canggu for tourism, there is not much of the idyllic secluded beach that Berawa once was, but if you stroll down the seashore southwards, you will reach a lagoon with a bamboo bridge hanging right over it. Cross the bridge into Warung Agung Kayu Putih, a little known haven for sunset-lovers in Canggu. There is a low-key restaurant serving simple Balinese food and the service might be a little too relaxed for those used to lavish accommodations, but it is an excellent place to watch the sun go down.

Pererenan Beach

On the way from the Raya Canggu, you will be amazed at the resplendent greenery that flanks both sides of the road to Pererenan Beach. Undoubtedly, this area is yet to be touched by modernization, although there is a smattering of private residences here and there. The beach itself is not ideal for surfing and swimming, as the shore is lined by rocks that have been shaped and smoothed by the tide over the years. You can sit on the rocks to take in a panoramic view of the Indian Ocean or you can climb over them to land on a small strip of hidden sand ideal for sunbathing or just playing in the sand. If the water permits, you might also be able to go in for a swim.

Top 10 Reasons Photographers Live Longer Healthier Lives

Each and every day we come in contact with hundreds if not thousands of photographs. We see them on billboards, magazines, newspapers, in our mailbox, and in the family photos that adorn our walls. We barely give a second thought to most. And the more familiar ones we tend to take for granted.

Imagine how that might change if you knew for a fact that taking those photos could actually help you live a longer, healthier life.

My research has shown that taking photos actually can produce enormous physical and mental benefits. Photography's therapeutic benefits are a scientific reality and here's why:

1. Activity: there is always some new photo we need to take and somewhere we need to go to take it. It's really hard to just sit on the couch and take a prize-winning photo. We keep moving.

2. Positive Mental Attitude: we just can't wait to capture an image of the next amazing thing. We know for a fact that the world is full of wonder and it is our mission, our passion to show it off in our photographs.

3. Sharing: while some minute percentage may take photos strictly for their own personal pleasure, most of us take photos so we can share them with others. We are eager to share our sense of wonder with others. And the compliments they bring sure make us feel good.

4. Connection: through photography we gain a strong sense of connection to this world as a whole and especially to our local community.

5. Fun: we have fun! Each photo outing is a new adventure, a treasure hunt for visual splendor. One never knows what visual prize lies in wait around the next corner. We spend our leisure hours in an activity that we find enjoyable and has no end.

6. Mind Stimulating: each new photo opportunity presents a different challenge. We must always be evaluating the ambient light and surroundings and adjusting our camera settings accordingly. Our minds stay fresh and open because we are in a constant state of learning.

7. New Friends: through taking our photos and sharing them we are constantly surrounded by opportunities for human interaction. Mankind was never built for solitude.

8. Sense of Purpose: we always have a mission, a reason for being. It's even fun to travel alone when your mission is to come back with great photos to share of the places you explored. In Earl Nightingale's famous talk, "The Strangest Secret" he observed, "The people who live the longest are the people with something to do." You're never too old to take a great photo.

9. Exercise: walking has been heralded as one of the most universally beneficial exercises and we photographers sure do walk a lot. Add in some squats to get that unique angle, some uphill climbs, a little forest terrain and you've got some powerful ingredients for healthy living.

10. Freedom from Worry: we concentrate on the excitement of tomorrow, rather than the problems of yesterday. After all, with digital photography, we can always fix yesterday's shot today with a little Photoshop! We keep our eyes focused on the future, the next shot. Hope for the future is the ultimate Fountain of Youth.

Photography is a healthy, fun activity for people of all ages. So grab your digital camera, brush up on a few tips for better photos and get on out there. A whole new world of wonder is waiting for you. And with all those health benefits, you'll get even more time to capture all the wonders of this beautiful place called Earth.

A Small Scale Business Standing Out

Small and medium enterprises differ from multinational corporations in many ways, in terms of finances, liability, expertise, fund availability and generation, and much more. Marketing strategies, for a small business may vary as well, a number of things are considered before drafting a strategy for a small or medium business. The capacity of a business to produce, the willingness or the ability of the entrepreneur, his financial strengths, the current potential for the product or service to sell in the market and the future prospects of the business in the market, determine the strategy to start a trade or promote an existing business.

Businessmen operate with limited finances, but have to deal with unlimited liabilities, the channel from where the revenue is generated could be single, while expenditures could streams in from everywhere, examples of a few monthly fixed expenditures could be, the cost of insurance, utility bills, rent or lease for property, license fees, and taxes.

Capitalist operating on small scales therefore prefer to work on a stringent budget, the promotion strategy therefore must not absorb too many finances, and nor should it require enormous expertise, this leaves a question, on how to market a business?

The bounteous technology has liberated the business world to gain visibility and accessibility without much of a financial cost. The Internet is by far the most economical and effective means of reaching out across the globe, for advertising business and inviting clientele. Virtual social media platforms help create awareness and only require time and effort, anything on twitter or Facebook that hits the red hot nail aright on its heads seems to go viral within minutes; in many cases web traffic increases hundred folds or even more.

Entrepreneurs could either opt for hiring technology geeks or use the free coaching sites to learn about creating their websites. The right strategy for search engine optimization, and an informative and attractive site, has enabled many to mint millions without even having a proper office to work in.

Another blessing is reduced operating expenses and system dependent procedures that have almost eradicated the probability of human error. Microsoft office, web based emails, virtual data clouds, online banking, web based fund transfer has eliminated reoccurring, daily cash outflows, time and effort required on purchasing stationery, maintaining inventory, and cost incurred on travel, postal and courier service.

Marketing a business locally would depend on how tech savvy the surrounding community is, if the target market or local community scarcely makes use of computers, then sticking to conventional ways could be a viable strategy, an adventurous entrepreneur may also choose to explore new avenues, where modern day technology can be applied to make a few pennies.

Technology has only reinforced energy to human intellect to deliver better every time it's put into good use, there is no way a business can fail to market itself on the world wide web, if maneuvered by the willpower and a perspective for a bright future.

Looking for Heavenly and Luxury Holiday

For travelers who love to travel in style, a luxury travel agency can do the trick. For people interested in traveling to different countries and gathering experience, there are superb luxury holiday experiences for them. Taking care of your smallest requirement to your budget constraints, the travel operator helps you by all means. No matter what your requirements are, there is a tailor-made tour holidays available for you. The luxury travel will take you to authentic locations of your dreams, fantasy shopping, lazy lunches in restaurants and wandering through the ruins of a crumbled civilization. When you find a journey that is both knowledgeable and enjoyable, you'll have the best of all worlds at your finger tips.

No matter where your imagination takes you, there is a chance to follow your dreams and indulge in the ultimate travel escape destination. South Africa, Europe, South East Asia and the Pacific are full of islands, small and large, that will give you the privacy you desire. Luxurious travel destinations are relative, ultimately to your own definition of the value of the experience. A popular holiday theme, luxury holidays offer a wonderful chance to enjoy a luxurious vacation along with near and dear ones. Style, elegance, refinement and great location, those are just some of the features of the properties of the holidays. From the mountains to the sea, from the rivers to the lake, from the dense forest to watching polar bears the travel operator will fulfill your ultimate fantasy. They promise to spoil you all through your journey bit by bit on daily basis keeping in mind the luxury class you belong to. Sometimes the search for the exotic often takes one to far-flung corners of third world cultures totally alien to the visitor in terms of language, customs, and etiquette.

The chance to learn and understand various cultures on a travel are invaluable and to be grasped with both hands when available. The tour operator as a luxury travel company combine comfort and authenticity famous for creating destinations for you as per your choice. Plan an all exclusive customized adventure travel to the earth's greatest tropical lands with them and rest will surely be history. A luxury holidays abroad at one of the exotic international locations is really alluring and fulfilling the same are the various offers and itinerary customized as per your desire. You will be accommodated in top hotels that suit the luxury and comfort level you desire. The travel operator brings you vacations that are rich in value as well as services. A Gym, a World class spa, a huge pool and a dining room where dedicated chefs prepare gourmet cuisine exclusively for you at one of the wildest location is the highlight of the journey.

Hey Baby Boomers - It Could Be Worse!

After awhile, all of the doom and gloom in the air starts to wear you down. For us baby boomers, now was supposed to be the time that we've all been waiting for. Our cherished golden years are upon us - or almost so - and this was to be a very special time for us. Blissful retirement, travel, leisure, fun - it's what we worked for our entire lives.

And then came the financial meltdown. We've been at war for 10 years now, and it's still going on. The government can't seem to get anything done, and the country appears to be losing its edge to China, India and who knows who else. Our homes have declined in value, we think we need more money, and nobody's hiring. Baby boomers are crying the blues - this isn't what we signed for.

It's time to get a grip, fellow baby boomers. It's not really all that bad. In fact, it could be a lot worse.

Think about it.

Just because things might not be working out exactly the way we wanted to and the way we always thought they would doesn't mean anything really. We just need to adapt and adjust, the way we always have. We just have a new sense of reality about the world around us.

For example, many baby boomers set out long ago to become "millionaires." Some of us made it and some of us didn't. But the term millionaire is simply a label, nothing more, and it has absolutely nothing to do with the quality of life that you lead. In fact, there are some pretty unhappy so-called millionaires out there right now who wish their lives were a little less complex and a lot more fun.

Your goal should be to have enough money to live comfortably and to be able to enjoy your life. You don't need a million dollars in the bank to do that. You just need enough to support your lifestyle, and there is nothing wrong with making the money you need as you go. There are lots of ways to do that, if you'll only spend a little time and look for them.

That's another thing baby boomers now have, more than ever - time. Our kids are for the most part grown and on their own. Many of us have moved on into new careers that don't demand that we commit every waking hour of every day to our business endeavors. In short, we're free to do what ever we want to do for as long as we want to it, whenever we want to. How cool is that?

We've also learned that we don't need to live like Donald Trump to be truly happy. We know, through experience, how to live within our means, and we also know that we can be happy doing that. Baby boomers have learned how to shop for the things that they really want, at a price they can afford to pay.

In short, we are truly free to be ourselves, and to enjoy every second of the process. At the end of the day, that's really the key - enjoy yourself, while you can. The Big Clock is always ticking. Let's face it - you won't live forever. Don't let the incessant prattling of the media, the shenanigans of big banks and big business, and the flailing of the government get you down. Live your life the way you want to live it. You've earned it.

Looking for Heavenly and Luxury Holiday

For travelers who love to travel in style, a luxury travel agency can do the trick. For people interested in traveling to different countries and gathering experience, there are superb luxury holiday experiences for them. Taking care of your smallest requirement to your budget constraints, the travel operator helps you by all means. No matter what your requirements are, there is a tailor-made tour holidays available for you. The luxury travel will take you to authentic locations of your dreams, fantasy shopping, lazy lunches in restaurants and wandering through the ruins of a crumbled civilization. When you find a journey that is both knowledgeable and enjoyable, you'll have the best of all worlds at your finger tips.

No matter where your imagination takes you, there is a chance to follow your dreams and indulge in the ultimate travel escape destination. South Africa, Europe, South East Asia and the Pacific are full of islands, small and large, that will give you the privacy you desire. Luxurious travel destinations are relative, ultimately to your own definition of the value of the experience. A popular holiday theme, luxury holidays offer a wonderful chance to enjoy a luxurious vacation along with near and dear ones. Style, elegance, refinement and great location, those are just some of the features of the properties of the holidays. From the mountains to the sea, from the rivers to the lake, from the dense forest to watching polar bears the travel operator will fulfill your ultimate fantasy. They promise to spoil you all through your journey bit by bit on daily basis keeping in mind the luxury class you belong to. Sometimes the search for the exotic often takes one to far-flung corners of third world cultures totally alien to the visitor in terms of language, customs, and etiquette.

The chance to learn and understand various cultures on a travel are invaluable and to be grasped with both hands when available. The tour operator as a luxury travel company combine comfort and authenticity famous for creating destinations for you as per your choice. Plan an all exclusive customized adventure travel to the earth's greatest tropical lands with them and rest will surely be history. A luxury holidays abroad at one of the exotic international locations is really alluring and fulfilling the same are the various offers and itinerary customized as per your desire. You will be accommodated in top hotels that suit the luxury and comfort level you desire. The travel operator brings you vacations that are rich in value as well as services. A Gym, a World class spa, a huge pool and a dining room where dedicated chefs prepare gourmet cuisine exclusively for you at one of the wildest location is the highlight of the journey.

A Small Scale Business Standing Out

Small and medium enterprises differ from multinational corporations in many ways, in terms of finances, liability, expertise, fund availability and generation, and much more. Marketing strategies, for a small business may vary as well, a number of things are considered before drafting a strategy for a small or medium business. The capacity of a business to produce, the willingness or the ability of the entrepreneur, his financial strengths, the current potential for the product or service to sell in the market and the future prospects of the business in the market, determine the strategy to start a trade or promote an existing business.

Businessmen operate with limited finances, but have to deal with unlimited liabilities, the channel from where the revenue is generated could be single, while expenditures could streams in from everywhere, examples of a few monthly fixed expenditures could be, the cost of insurance, utility bills, rent or lease for property, license fees, and taxes.

Capitalist operating on small scales therefore prefer to work on a stringent budget, the promotion strategy therefore must not absorb too many finances, and nor should it require enormous expertise, this leaves a question, on how to market a business?

The bounteous technology has liberated the business world to gain visibility and accessibility without much of a financial cost. The Internet is by far the most economical and effective means of reaching out across the globe, for advertising business and inviting clientele. Virtual social media platforms help create awareness and only require time and effort, anything on twitter or Facebook that hits the red hot nail aright on its heads seems to go viral within minutes; in many cases web traffic increases hundred folds or even more.

Entrepreneurs could either opt for hiring technology geeks or use the free coaching sites to learn about creating their websites. The right strategy for search engine optimization, and an informative and attractive site, has enabled many to mint millions without even having a proper office to work in.

Another blessing is reduced operating expenses and system dependent procedures that have almost eradicated the probability of human error. Microsoft office, web based emails, virtual data clouds, online banking, web based fund transfer has eliminated reoccurring, daily cash outflows, time and effort required on purchasing stationery, maintaining inventory, and cost incurred on travel, postal and courier service.

Marketing a business locally would depend on how tech savvy the surrounding community is, if the target market or local community scarcely makes use of computers, then sticking to conventional ways could be a viable strategy, an adventurous entrepreneur may also choose to explore new avenues, where modern day technology can be applied to make a few pennies.

Technology has only reinforced energy to human intellect to deliver better every time it's put into good use, there is no way a business can fail to market itself on the world wide web, if maneuvered by the willpower and a perspective for a bright future.

Hey Baby Boomers - It Could Be Worse!

After awhile, all of the doom and gloom in the air starts to wear you down. For us baby boomers, now was supposed to be the time that we've all been waiting for. Our cherished golden years are upon us - or almost so - and this was to be a very special time for us. Blissful retirement, travel, leisure, fun - it's what we worked for our entire lives.

And then came the financial meltdown. We've been at war for 10 years now, and it's still going on. The government can't seem to get anything done, and the country appears to be losing its edge to China, India and who knows who else. Our homes have declined in value, we think we need more money, and nobody's hiring. Baby boomers are crying the blues - this isn't what we signed for.

It's time to get a grip, fellow baby boomers. It's not really all that bad. In fact, it could be a lot worse.

Think about it.

Just because things might not be working out exactly the way we wanted to and the way we always thought they would doesn't mean anything really. We just need to adapt and adjust, the way we always have. We just have a new sense of reality about the world around us.

For example, many baby boomers set out long ago to become "millionaires." Some of us made it and some of us didn't. But the term millionaire is simply a label, nothing more, and it has absolutely nothing to do with the quality of life that you lead. In fact, there are some pretty unhappy so-called millionaires out there right now who wish their lives were a little less complex and a lot more fun.

Your goal should be to have enough money to live comfortably and to be able to enjoy your life. You don't need a million dollars in the bank to do that. You just need enough to support your lifestyle, and there is nothing wrong with making the money you need as you go. There are lots of ways to do that, if you'll only spend a little time and look for them.

That's another thing baby boomers now have, more than ever - time. Our kids are for the most part grown and on their own. Many of us have moved on into new careers that don't demand that we commit every waking hour of every day to our business endeavors. In short, we're free to do what ever we want to do for as long as we want to it, whenever we want to. How cool is that?

We've also learned that we don't need to live like Donald Trump to be truly happy. We know, through experience, how to live within our means, and we also know that we can be happy doing that. Baby boomers have learned how to shop for the things that they really want, at a price they can afford to pay.

In short, we are truly free to be ourselves, and to enjoy every second of the process. At the end of the day, that's really the key - enjoy yourself, while you can. The Big Clock is always ticking. Let's face it - you won't live forever. Don't let the incessant prattling of the media, the shenanigans of big banks and big business, and the flailing of the government get you down. Live your life the way you want to live it. You've earned it.

Top 5 Things to Do and See in Chile

Sitting just south of the Tropic of Capricorn and just west of Argentina, the Republic of Chile resides on a narrow strip of land that extends from the Pacific Ocean to the Andes Mountains.

The native language is Spanish so take advantage and enroll in a Chile language school to make your Chile vacation fun and educational. The best way to mingle with the locals is to speak like the locals. Below is a list of the top 5 things to do while traveling through Chile.

Atacama Desert
This desert is one of the driest places on earth. Even though it sits next to an ocean, the Andes Mountain blocks any chance of moisture from reaching this moonscape-like environment. Flamingos, geysers and ancient mountain forts await those with a robust appetite for adventure. Just a two hour plane ride from Santiago; upon arrival expect deluxe accommodations at the Hotel Alto Atacama.

Chile's National Parks
Chile boasts numerous National Parks such as Juan Fernández Islands, Parque Nacional Torres del Paine, Laguna San Rafael, Reserva Nacional Cerro Castillo and Parque Nacional Vincente Perez Rosales to name just a few. Vincente Perez Rosales is Chile's first national park. This park has magnificent lakes, which are bordered by the Andes Mountains. It is an awe-inspiring sight with the volcanic peaks Osorno and Puyehue as a part of the view.

Lake District
Just south of the Biobio River is a land where sky and water meet to play. Snowcapped volcanoes are mirrored in the azure water of the lakes making this area mesmerizing. Twelve main lakes dot the district with as many as 6 volcanoes and some of the best freshwater fishing Chile has to offer.

Cerro San Cristobal
Ride the Funicular up the hill to discover breathtaking views of Santiago. Plan to visit on a clear evening and stroll through Parque Metropolitano. On the peak of the summit, there is the Virgen de la Immaculada Concepción; at the foothills there is the Metropolitan Zoo, the Jardín Zoológico de Santiago and a Japanese-like garden. If all this is not enough for visitors to do and see, there are also 2 pools, Tupahue and Antilén, to take advantage of on hot days.

Isla de Pascua
Easter Island is one of the most remote island on the planet that has fueled so much speculation and mystery. It takes at least 5 hours to get there by plane. For those who have questions about the mystical history of this location, you should consider a journey from Chile to the Easter Island. Archeological ruins plus volcanoes are focal points.

There is so much to do and see while vacationing in Chile. Chile has a rich culture with friendly people and spectacular scenery. If time permits get to know the people and the country by enrolling in a Spanish School in Chile. The more you learn about Chile and the better you speak the native tongue, the better you will understand Chilean people.

The National Art Gallery of Canada (Ottawa)

Housed in an imposing glass and concrete building in Ottawa's Sussex Drive next to the federal parliament buildings and to the Ottawa River is Canada's national art collection, the National Art Gallery of Canada, or Musee de Beaux Arts du Canada. The views from the building are magnificent. Outside are two striking large scale art works, the great spider by Louise Bourgeois, called Maman, and the horse sculpture by Joe Fafard, showing silhouettes of wild horses running free, a deliberate use of a natural image in a very urban setting.

The gallery was founded in 1880 by the then Governor General John George Edward Henry Douglas Sutherland Campbell, 9th Duke of Argyll, a lover of the arts. It had a few different homes before being established in its current purpose-built site in 1988.

The Gallery has a fairly modest entry charge for its permanent collection, and a higher one for its temporary exhibitions.

The permanent collection concentrates on Canadian art, but not exclusively so. For many visitors, the high point of a trip to the gallery is a leisurely examination of the paintings produced by Canada's late 19th/early20th century artistic heroes and adventurers, known as the Group of Seven. Those painters wandered round the wilderness of Canada's great forested interior, from the lakes and forests of the Southern Canadian Shield to the snowy expanses of the far North. They travelled by foot and canoe, and produced vast quantities of hauntingly beautiful canvasses depicting the natural wonders they had witnessed.

Perhaps the best known of the Group was Tom Thomson, who disappeared in mysterious circumstances on one such trip into the wilds. He was the painter of the Lone Pine, an iconic Canadian image.

Another high point which makes the gallery truly unique is the lovely collection of Inuit art in the basement. The sophistication and complexity of some of these works is a surprise to many visitors, as 'native' art is often supposed to be crude and primitive. There can be few who would not respond to the intricate carvings depicting the relationship between men and beasts in the arctic wastes. There are also more simple and impressionistic soapstone sculptures capturing the essence of natural forces, and sometimes embodying local myths and superstitions which have their own fascination.

The gallery has a rolling programme of major temporary exhibitions, a recent notable example being a showing of little-known works by Van Gogh, which showed up a magical unfamiliar side to one of the most familiar of painters.

Ottawa is, for a major Western capital, a small city, and it is visitor-friendly. The gallery's down-town location is a short and pleasant walk away from the Parliament buildings and the green spaces round about. The historic central area and the individual shops and restaurants of the attractive Bytown Market are close by too. A visitor can easily combine taking in the collection with some shopping and a meal, without undue stress: and also without breaking the bank, as one could in many capital cities.

Corporate Treasurer: An Amazing Career Choice For Accounting Graduates

Corporate Treasury is a profession built on the basis of a number of financial disciplines, which are not only important in themself, but also support and complement each other. A treasury analyst can help companies to make smart investments. Treasury analysts are often in the state and federal agencies, because their work is based on knowledge of banking, policy and market analysis, and banking applications themselves. According to Payscale, average salaries of treasury analysts range in the United States range between $47,914 to $222,433.

Corporate Treasurers need to have critical thinking, detail-oriented, ability to manage time and meet deadlines, manage priorities, and control the company's financial policies and financial procedures seem to responsibly and profitably. They often work more than 40 hours per week and many may have to travel sometimes.

Responsibilities of A Corporate Treasurer

Corporate Treasurers' primary responsibilities involve:

Gathering Information

Corporate treasurers analyze reports and gather information from them.

Arranging Meetings

They are also supposed to arrange meetings with colleagues.

Maintaining Relationships With The People Of Financial Services

They develop relationships with banking and financial services representatives who work with the company.

Developing Strategies

Develop strategies and corporate financial budgets as needed.

Managing Risk

Corporate treasurers also conduct analysis and observe risk.


They also deal with fiscal control and tax reporting.

Managing Bonds:

Managing disputes over bonds in the market and raise funds.

Raising Investment

Corporate treasurers ask your current shareholders to raise their investment in your company.

Dealing With Loan And Credit Lines

Negotiating the terms of a loan or overdraft with banks.

Finding Creative Ways For Compensation

Work with an equipment company to develop a new and creative ways to compensate for your company's latest machine anxious to get into a new market.

Managing Temporary Shortage Of Money

Manage a temporary shortage of money for money paid by customers as collateral for a short-term loan.

Education Required for a Career in Corporate Treasury

Corporate Treasurers monitor and manage the financial aspects of the operations of a business, with an eye toward financial responsibility and maximize profits. They usually have a Bachelor's Degree In Accounting and sometimes in Finance. If you are interested in topics such as finance, accounting, economics and business, corporate treasury can be of your interest. Extensive related experience is a common job requirement for most corporate treasury jobs. CPA and a Master's degree are also preferred. Ongoing education is vital for corporate treasurers, as they must be aware of the current changes in tax codes and rules for financial instruments.

A corporate treasurer is an important part of the corporate accounting department. Treasury departments specialize in their accounting activities, and so required experienced employees. They also engage in the monetary risk management of corporations, helping to manage corporate liability and maintain cost-effective financing for commercial expansion. Are you ready to become a part of this industry?

10 Things to Do to Get the Most Out of Your Visit to Disneyland

Have you ever dreamed of going to Disneyland? Have you ever wondered about how to get the chance to see the best of the Disneyland Park and Disney California Adventure Park during your stay? Disneyland Resort is a big complex, divided into 8 different "lands" in addition to Downtown Disney, with a wide variety of activities. To help you plan your trip, Anaheim Express Inn Maingate provides this list of 10 Things to do to fully live the Disney experience.

The best trip to Disneyland must be planned in advance to make it easier when you get to the park. For this reason, we are providing a few travel tips. Before you can decide which activities will best suit you, you need to make sure that you set aside time to have the best visit to the Disneyland Resort. As a result of its popularity, the park is very crowded all throughout the year, so to avoid long lines and thoroughly enjoy both parks, we suggest that you arrive at the opening of the park at 8 am. Since most visitors will not arrive before 11:30 am, you have a few hours to ride the most popular rides. Since the Disneyland Park closes at midnight and Disney California Adventure Park at 10 pm in the summer, a visit during this season is a great reason to appreciate the resort at night. You can see a show while most people are already leaving.

Arriving early or staying late does not mean you will have more time to enjoy the park if you don't know where an attraction is, or where a show featuring your favorite character is taking place. In order to be efficient with your planning, you can check the 'Information Board' at any time of the day, this will show you where every character is at that particular moment of the day. You will also be able to check the wait time for any attractions. A long day of walking around the park and riding attractions is tiring, but you do not have to worry about getting tired, or even slowing down, if you buy your coffee at the Market House and make sure you keep the receipt, you will be able to enjoy free refills all day long.

If you do not want to waste time entering every shop during your visit, you can just stop by the World Of Disney store - the best place to shop that has everything you could possibly be looking for. The store is located at the entrance of the park, so you can go at the end of your visit before leaving the park.

1. Enjoy the Rides:
Of course, the rides are the #1 reason why people come to Disneyland. For kids, teenagers or adults, everyone can enjoy rides in both parks. In order to share this experience with your kids, you can bring them to attractions such as the Disneyland Rail Road, The Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh, Finding Nemo Submarine Voyage, It's a Small World, Toy Story Mania, Dumbo the Flying Elephant, Mad Tea Party and Pirates of the Caribbean. Some thrill-rides accommodate both kids & adults, for example Indiana Jones Adventure, Radiator Springs Racers, Haunted Mansion, Star Tours - The Adventures Continue, Space Mountain or the Twilight Zone Tower of Terror. To make it easier to get from one attraction to the other, we recommend you to get the FASTPASS. It allows you to save your place in an attraction line while you're enjoying others in the Park. You can also use the "rider switch" when you are at least a party of 2 adults accompanying a child. This will allow one adult to enjoy the attraction while the other waits with the child, then they switch. Also, if you don't mind splitting up your group, you can take advantage of the single rider lines - take the ride by yourself, appreciate it as much as you would with your friends or family, but wait less than in the regular line.

2. Character Experience:
Disneyland is a magical place where your favorite Disney characters live. It is where you meet them and get the chance to take a picture with them, or have them sign an autograph. Just by walking around the park, children and adults can meet the characters in person. But, if you don't want to wait for your character to magically show up wherever you are, you can use other options to make it happen. You can check the 'Information Board' at the entrance and meet your favorite characters wherever they are and get a photo or autograph from, for example, a Disney Princess or other Disney stars. You can enjoy the characters dining for a special occasion, or just for the pleasure of sharing a meal with Mickey or Cinderella at your table. Many of the attractions feature Disney characters also, so you can simply run into them while enjoying your favorite rides. The best way for you to see Aladdin or Buzz Lightyear may be to attend the many shows and parades.

3. Watch Fireworks:
The iconic image of fireworks behind the Sleeping Beauty Castle is true to life, and you can see it! This magical experience is one of the "must-sees" of the Disneyland Park. Several are offered during the year according to the season, like summer, Halloween or other Holidays. No matter what show you see - July 4th, Halloween Screams, New Year's Eve or any other show, the magic is always there.

4. World of Color:
The Disney California Adventure Park offers the captivating World of Color water show at night. This show puts together a work of water, colors, fire and lights for an unforgettable spectacular including Disney music, stories and characters. Another "must-see" located in the outdoors area on Paradise Bay where you can rest and relax with your family or friends before the show starts.

5. See a Parade:
Parades are appreciated by everyone, and are also another way to see Disney Characters. Watch Mickey's Soundsational Parade, bringing Disney film stars to life, such as the Lion King, the Little Mermaid, Mary Poppins or Peter Pan going down Main Street U.S.A. You can also watch the Pixar Play Parade where you can see Disney Pixar characters from movies like Ratatouille, Monsters Inc. or Finding Nemo at the Disney California Adventures Park. The different seasons of the year also bring seasonal parades such as The Christmas Fantasy for Christmas and Phineas & Ferb's Rockin' Rollin' Dance Party! during the summer months. To know more about these amazing street parades which feature great floats & special appearances of Disney Characters, check the entertainment schedule.

6. Watch a Show:
Even if the show is always around you in the parks, its magic continues during the various creative shows presented by the Park. Disneyland has always offered great live shows that feature singing, dancing & audience participation. Some of their best and most popular shows are 'Disney's Aladdin - A Musical Spectacular' at the Hyperion Theater in Disney California Adventure Park, 'Fantasmic' a magical spectacular featuring Disney characters, film projections on water, and live performances around the Rivers of America. You can also check the other great Disneyland shows on the entertainment schedule.

7. Go Shopping:
To never forget this magical experience at the Disneyland Resort, buy a souvenir and bring the fantasy home or a gift for someone special. Disney shops and boutiques have a wide variety of products from apparel to toys and candy (Candy Palace), to art (Disney Gallery). These shops are mostly themed according the story of their land, such as Old West. You can also stop by Main Street USA (Disneyland Park), New Orleans Square or Buena Vista Street (Disney California Adventure Park) before starting the day, or quickly before leaving to buy one last gift. You will certainly find anything you need.

8. Enjoy your Meal!
Choose whether you want to have a low cost snack at a walk-up stand or a signature dining experience at a sit down restaurant. The Park offers a variety of cuisine such as American, Asian, Creole, Italian, Mexican, and Vegetarian food for any budget. Whether you share your meal with a Disney character or not, you are always guaranteed healthy meals no matter where and what you decide to eat. Remember to have a Mint Julep in New Orleans Square.

9. Special Occasions:
Are you bored of celebrating Holidays at home, as you do every year, such as Halloween or Christmas? Go to Disneyland instead to celebrate the Holidays. The Park has many surprises for these occasions such as decorations, characters' costumes, special attractions and tours, the Halloween Party, the Christmas Parade, and of course fireworks. As for Holidays, Disneyland Resort is a great place to celebrate your birthday, anniversary, wedding, graduation or any other special day. When you arrive, make sure you stop by the City Hall at the Disneyland Park, or the Guest Relations Lobby at the Disney California Adventure Park to pick up a Souvenir Button. It will let the cast members and guests know that it is a special day and they will offer their best wishes to you. Kids will be delighted and surprised to get a special message from goofy!

10. Tours:
Tours are an activity that we do not necessarily think about because there are already so many things to do such as the rides, shows and parades. But Disneyland Resort is big, and whether it is your first time or not, you want to make sure you can see the best of it. In order to do this, take a tour of the theme park. The Park offers different tours. Walk in Walt Disney's footsteps to see how this man's vision became reality and learn about the history of the park, take the magical tour since it is the perfect tour for the whole family, you will get to hunt treasures in the park and will be able to work next to Disney characters, learn the story of the Park by taking a tour of the amazing horticulture. You can also take the Backstage Magic tour showing Disney as you've never seen it before. The Resort offers a tour that shows what goes on behind the scenes with Disney and Hollywood too. The seasonal tours show the traditions and decorations of the Holidays through the "Disney's Happiest Haunts" Tour and "Holiday Time at Disneyland" Tour.

We have one last tip to share with you: to fully enjoy your stay in Anaheim and visit Disneyland without worrying about spending too much money on lodging and parking, visit Anaheim Express Inn Maingate. You will not have to worry about traffic and parking, since we have free outdoor parking and our hotel is only a few minutes walking distance from the Disneyland Park.

Remember: Disneyland is the ' Happiest Place On Earth ' so enjoy your visit!

Things That I Enjoy About London

Many of us take a summer holiday in the months of June, July or August to see friends or family. This is usually the only time people including myself can travel abroad to see country attractions and entertainment venues from the diversity of cultures. London is considered one of the top destinations and places of visit for all ages, young and old. Here I can wine and dine at my leisure or have a picnic in one of the many parks.

I consider it as one of the top reasons for coming to take a summer holiday in London, England is the number of festivals and parades that begin at the end of June. Many of the festivals' are charitable and free for all to participate in - whether comedy, musical or theatrical, London has something for everyone to enjoy.

The second reason I think London is a great place to take a summer holiday - especially this year - is due to the running of the world's largest sporting event. People from around the world along with athletes will be here to represent their country in the Summer 2012 Olympic Games. The torch has already been lit in Greece and will arrive the evening of the twenty-six of July for the opening ceremony. The Olympic stadium will be another attraction that is a must see before and after the games take place. The stadium will no doubt become just as much a part of London's history as has the London Tower, castles and other countless attractions.

I think the third reason for coming to London for a summer holiday is that if you own a car it is pretty easy to get around and car hire is cheap as well. The options for accommodations range from a guesthouse, budget hotels, bed and breakfast, hostels to Five Star hotels. There are also luxury apartments that come complete with full service that offer good values depending on the length of your stay.

The fourth reason coming here for a holiday is actually the weather. The average high temperature is a cool 73F and the low averages around 55F. However, the London rain is still unpredictable and there are always several places to see indoors like the Pendennis Castle.

The fifth reason to take a summer holiday here in London I think is the soccer and other sporting events that is viewed all over the world because of today's technology. When you are here you can really see all the action from the teams to the spectator.

The sixth reason for a summer holiday in London is the extensive calender of events and activities that make London one of the most energetic and enjoyable cities in the World.

Who's Making the Big Bucks in Aviation Jobs?

With the need for stricter security and the even increasing gas prices, the airline industry in the United States continues to go on its bumpy ride. However, this does not change the fact that people want to continue traveling, for business or for leisure. This means that there are aviation jobs a plenty available at airline companies, airports even airplane manufacturers and even at security organizations.

While most applicants tend to get star struck by the glamorous lifestyle and incomes of pilots, the truth is that they do not always make the big bucks. Salaries for pilots come with huge variations depending on whether they are flying Boeings and Airbuses for commercial airline companies or they are flying a float plane for a regional commuter. The later sometimes pays as less as 20 dollars an hour. This means that with only 1000 permissible engine hours a year, many pilots only just about make the cut of earning minimum wage.

However, if you plan smartly and well advance, you can venture into other areas of the aviation industry where you can make the money without having to fly a 747. Here are some of the best paying aviation jobs in Florida and other parts of the United States-

1. Director of Aerospace Program Management

With a median annual salary of 151,000 USD, this is the highest paying aviation job in Florida and all of US. If you wish to pursue a career in this field, you must come with an engineering degree as well as a graduate degree in business. As a Director, you will be expected to involve yourself in the development of the business strategy and the negotiation of contracts for building aircraft.

2. Co-Pilot or Flight Engineer

The second highest paying aviation jobs, co-pilots or flight engineers make about 117,000 a year. Traditionally, these pilots acquired their training from the military, but with the growing number of FAA certified training schools and colleges a growing number of aspirants are able to acquire the relevant training. Besides passenger airline jobs, you may also find opportunities in plane testing, traffic monitoring, fire fighting, and crop dusting that pays well.

3. Aerospace Project Engineer

As an aerospace project engineer, you must be aware of all the nitty-gritty's of this subject. In addition to this, you will also be expected to hold some soft and organizational skills required to lead a project. Project Engineers in aviation are essentially paid about 82,000 USD per annum.

4. Aircraft Maintenance Manager

For this position as well, you will be expected to develop technical as well as managerial skills. Aircraft Maintenance Managers earn about 74,200 USD per year and it is their responsibility to make sure that their team performs regular maintenance exercises and follows the guidelines.

In addition to this, high paying jobs in the aviation sector include Air Traffic Controller jobs, Sky Marshal jobs, jobs as airplane inspectors, aircraft mechanics, avionics technicians, and jobs of an aircraft load master. Each one of these careers pay between 70,000 and 40,000 USD per year.

Goa Wildlife Tour: The Best Places to Visit

If you think Goa is all about the oceanic panorama and the colonial legacy, you need to think again. There is one more delight Goa is far-famed for, and that's the state's rich and varied wildlife residing in wonderful sanctuaries and animal reserves. The Western Ghats pass along the eastern boundary of the state, making Goa home to some of the country's most popular wildlife sanctuaries. A number of protected areas have been set up here, which boast an exotic range of flora & fauna. The India's biodiversity hot spot, Goa has been a treasure trove for wildlife enthusiasts.

When in Goa, you have four brilliant wildlife sanctuaries, which are home to some superbly bizarre wild animals and awesome species of birds and reptiles. They have been bliss for those inclined towards nature & adventure. Popular sanctuaries in Goa are detailed below.

Bhagwan Mahavir Sanctuary: If you're a botanist or a bird-lover, you shouldn't miss an opportunity to visit this sanctuary. Nestled in South Goa - about 57km from the capital city Panaji - Bhagwan Mahavir Sanctuary houses a bewildering wealth of flora and innumerable species of birds and animals. This is among the densest sanctuaries in India, with Kadam, Sisso, teak and kharanj being the common tree species. In this Sanctuary, you'll encounter an exotic range of wild animals including several kinds of big cats, deer, elephants, Malayan giant squirrels and Gaurs. Monkeys, black panthers and a variety of snakes are also the common inhabitants of the sanctuary.

Bondala Wildlife Sanctuary: located near Ponda in central Goa, this sanctuary is more a zoo than a wildlife park. It has a natural deer park, a jungle resort and several small gardens which combined cover an area of 80 sqkm. Visitors can see elephants, sambars, jackals and many species of deer in the sanctuary. To attract kids and family vacationers, enchanting elephant rides and deer safaris are offered in the park. Additionally, the park's rich collection of bird species is also a great delight to explore. The sanctuary has rest houses, inns and tourist cottages for accommodation to the visitors.

Cotigao Wildlife Sanctuary: In the foothills of the Western Ghats near Southern border of Goa with Karnataka, the sanctuary encompasses an area of 105 sq km. The main attractions for wildlife enthusiasts include wonderful floral varieties and various species of animals and birds. The Semi evergreen forests and the hill valley swamp forests here house leopard, sloth bear, cheetal, slender loris, mouse deer and several species of birds. Madgaon is nearest town and rail head to the Cotigao Sanctuary.

The best time to explore wildlife sanctuaries in Goa is immediately after Monsoon, between October and January. Temperature in Goa at this time is pleasing and greenery is at its best. Come with a pair of sturdy water-proof shoes, a set of field glasses and a well-informed travel guide, if you plan to do a serious wildlife-spotting in Goa. You better booking your travel facilities like Goa flights and Goa hotels in advance if planning to visit here in peak season.

Have an Unforgettable Summer Vacation in Helsinki

Helsinki is the capital of Finland and is known for its extremely cold winter. Temperatures can be as low as -5 degrees C, but the wind chill makes it a difficult place to visit during this season. Being one of the northern most cities, it experiences long winters and the summers are usually short. Winters are usually dark with little or no sunlight for days on end. The good weather is restricted to the months of June and August. This is the peak tourist season and vacationers have to look hard to get cheap flights to Helsinki. Most of the flights to Helsinki are fully booked by tourists planning to visit here in the summer months. The weather is pleasant and outdoor activities are possible.

Being the capital of the country, the city is well connected by air with other parts of the world. British Airways, Air France and US Airlines have flights to the city and tend to offer best airfares to enjoy a memorable vacation in the city. The city has a beautiful archipelago to explore on a boat from the city center. There are a number of churches and museums to get a glimpse of the city's past.

One of the attractions is the island of Suomenlinna. It is a fortress on the Baltic Sea coast. The small town has an old town feel with very few inhabitants, car-free streets and old houses. It has been declared a UNESCO World Heritage Site. There are a number of guided tours on offer for visitors.

Another attraction of the city is the Seurassari Open Air museum. It is a unique experience with walking trails to explore the museum. It is the perfect place to get a feel of the local culture. People in authentic dresses go about their chores inside this open air museum. It is a different learning experience altogether. Entry to this place is free.

There are a number of parks and gardens in and around the city that are worth exploring. They are usually packed with tourists and residents during the summer months who want to make the most of the sunshine. It is a good place to see the midnight sun during the summer months. Cheap tickets to Helsinki are available online, with many hotels offering package deals with accommodation and day tours of the city.

Pihlajassai is a popular summer destination, with good beaches to enjoy the sunshine. Another place to visit is the Helsinki Zoo situated in Korkeassaari. The city offers something different to every visitor. A city to be avoided during winters because of the harsh weather conditions, cheap plane fares available during this time makes it attractive to visit, if fully prepared to withstand the cold temperatures. It is a different experience all together.

Android Phone - 3 Factors You Must Consider Before You Buy the Gadget

Unlike in its early years of introduction into the open market, the Android phone has become very popular by virtue of its exciting and user-friendly features. The phone comes with an open platform and it has special features that are different from other mobile handsets.

While making an effort to buy an Android mobile phone, you should take note of the following factors so as to get the best device that suits your budget and preferences.

1. GSM Carrier

Today, there are several telecommunication service providers or GSM carriers that offer Android mobile phones to interested customers. Getting the most appropriate service carrier is much more important than buying a particular brand of phone. It is your GSM carrier that determines whether you will enjoy your Android phone or not. So, place greater importance on the service provider.

More so, if your chosen service provider has poor coverage in your residential area, you won't enjoy your Android phone. Try to identify if the GSM carrier has dead spots or poor signal strength in your vicinity. If possible, ask for a trial offer in order to find out the efficiency of the service.

2. 4G Connectivity

When you want to buy an Android phone, you should find out if your GSM carrier offers a high-speed 4G connectivity. This is quite crucial since Android cell phones happen to be the first gadgets that primarily operate on 4G networks. So, if you buy an Android gadget which does not have 4G connectivity, you have only purchased an ordinary phone.

3. Design

Even though, the design of Android mobile phones is a secondary factor compared to their functionality and features, yet many people put it into consideration in their buying decision. Depending on your taste, you can buy a phone that is stylish and attractive.

You may also opt for a portable phone, rather than a bulky type, most especially if you are a kind of person who travels often and often. It is also important to consider the keypad of the device. You can buy products that have QWERTY keypads; you may even like the type that comes with a touch screen. The screen size as well as the resolution is another consideration on the design. Typically, different Android phones come with small or large screens. Ensure that the resolution is quite crisp and clear.

Inarguably, you can only enjoy an Android phone if you can ensure that the brand you want to buy comes with the required features and functionality.